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How Often Are Fire Safety Inspections Required?

Understanding Fire Inspection Requirements for Different Equipment: A Guide

When protecting people and property, you need a comprehensive commercial fire safety strategy that includes fire alarms, sprinklers, extinguishers, and more. Federal and state laws mandate regular inspections of these systems to ensure the proper functioning of essential fire protection equipment.

Fire Systems of Michigan’s team of certified fire safety specialists understands the inspection requirements for your business’s commercial fire system and is prepared to meet them.

Our fire protection system inspections help ensure your fire prevention measures keep you in compliance with safety regulations and reduce the risk of fire-related damage, injury, or death.

Fire Systems Inspection Requirements

Your building’s fire protection system maintains a safe environment. However, simply installing it isn’t enough. Each equipment type requires regular maintenance and servicing to ensure it works properly. Routine fire system inspections ensure your systems operate at optimal capacity and are ready to respond in the event of a fire.

Fire inspection frequency varies depending on the type of equipment, current laws, OSHA regulations, and NFPA standards.

From annual fire extinguisher inspections and quarterly sprinkler system checks to semiannual fire alarm and monthly fire pump test services, routine assessments ensure compliance, help identify potential hazards, and minimize the risk of a catastrophic fire.

Fire Alarm Systems

While local requirements might vary, NFPA 72 standards and Michigan’s Fire Prevention Code for quarterly, semiannual, and annual fire alarm inspections are universal.

Every business should also have an on-site employee familiar with the fire alarm system who can recognize when the system isn’t working correctly and either reset it or contact a fire protection company for assistance.

Fire Sprinkler Systems

Fire sprinkler system inspections should be scheduled with a licensed fire protection company quarterly and annually. Five-year inspections must also be performed.

Building owners may not realize that every five years, the internal condition of piping should be inspected for foreign organic and inorganic material. Monthly inspections by an on-site staff member will also help identify and mitigate the effects of corrosion and age in your building’s sprinkler system.

Fire Extinguishers

Visual portable fire extinguisher inspections should be performed once a month to check for corrosion, which can be a sign of component failure or leaks. Other tasks include ensuring each extinguisher is in its correct location, has a clear and legible tag, doesn’t show signs of damage, and has an unaltered seal.

As set forth by NFPA and enforced by OSHA, annual inspections should be performed by a licensed professional.

Exit & Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting system testing frequency isn’t explicitly mandated. However, following the NFPA 101® Life Safety Code® 2000 is generally recommended. The code suggests a monthly test of emergency lighting for at least 30 seconds and an annual test for at least 90 minutes to verify the lights would remain on for an extended period in a fire emergency.

Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems

While modern kitchen fire suppression systems are designed to stop fires before they get out of control, kitchen fire suppression system inspections performed at least every six months ensure optimal functionality and adherence to safety standards.

Your certified fire safety contractor can help determine which testing and inspection requirements apply to your system.

Schedule a Fire System Inspection

Fire Systems of Michigan performs fire system inspections and testing as part of an overall fire safety program. Our certified technicians go above and beyond, helping protect your Michigan business’s people, places, and assets.

Contact us today to learn more or schedule fire system inspection services.

Category: Fire Suppression Systems, Fire Alarms, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Sprinklers